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The ancient domains of Greece and Rome have shaped the current world in which we live today. Unfortunately, this modern world is not without its faults. It is a world that is fixated on the façade of social media and technology. A world that is slowly becoming engulfed by the rise of urbanisation. A world that is becoming polluted and enveloped in societies with unsustainable dispositions. Unsurprisingly, this conduct is starting to take its toll; not only on our planet, but on the minds of those that inhabit it.  


My concept ‘Omne Vetus Novatur’, which can be interpreted as ‘Everything Old is Made New’, strived to do something about this. Although I acknowledged that I cannot control our planet and the actions of those that inhabit it, I wanted to craft an environment that lifted the spirit; a dimension of space that allowed an escape from the burdens of modern society. To achieve this, I constructed a high-end wallpaper and mural collection. The patterns and aesthetics placed upon a wall envelop the rooms in which we dwell and, thus, can act as a form of escapism. Subsequently, I not only aimed to craft an array of wallpaper and mural samples which were adorned with elaborate designs to transport the observer, but that were highly considerate of the effect that colour can have on our welfare and happiness.


The designs that adorn my wallpapers and murals were be inspired by the splendors of the Ancient Greco-Roman realms and, as a result of this, I made sure each design decision was fueled by archaic symbolism that crafted positivity and emotion throughout my work. Greco-Roman textures, fruits and architecture were be observed in detail, all for the purpose of using the ‘old’ to inspire a ‘new’ and contemporary set  of prints with a modern purpose. Additionally, I also wanted to create a collection that influenced people into appreciating our societies artistic inheritance and the classical influences of those that came before us.


Altogether, I desired  to craft a sophisticated and pioneering set of prints that transform how we regard the purpose of the walls that envelop our domestic environments. They do not have to entrap us. They can free us.

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